Articles in This Issue: Loss and Retrieval of the Holy Trinity in Catechesis Editor's Notes: The Spiritual Life of the Catechist Free The Bishop's Page: Courage to be Catechists Free Fire in Our Hearts Youth & Young Adult Catechesis: Ministering to Millennials To Pray in the Holy Trinity St. Paul on Catechesis: A Dialogue of Salvation The Spirituality of the Catechist Catechetical Methodology: Communicating the Wonder of the Deposit of Faith Catechesis in Contemporary Culture: Freedom Reclaiming the Evangelistic Moment in our Catechesis Art Notes: Mosaic of the Incarnation of the Word Learning through Art: The Crucifixion Mosaic Learning through Art: Mosaic on the Incarnation of the Word Free Book Review: Magnificat Catechetical Saints: St. Paul, Part 3 The Gospel of Life, Part 1 On the Spot: The Purpose of the Liturgy of the Word for Children RCIA: Questions, Answers, Issues and Advice Catechesis on the Parables of Jesus: The Conscientious Steward