Articles in This Issue: Editor’s Notes: Catechesis and Dialogue Catechesis on the Parables of Jesus: The Labourers in the Vineyard The Rosary and the Vocation to Catechesis Art Notes: The Light of the World Sacred Signs: Standing Helping Our Students Worship The Eucharistic Heart of the Priest Free The Bishop’s Page: The Bishop and Spiritual Fatherhood Catechesis and St. Thomas’ Eucharistic Hymns Technology and Catechesis: The Parish Website – An Essential Component of Ministry RCIA: Questions, Answers, Issues and Advice On the Spot: Faith, Hope and Love Faith and Reason, Part 2 Alive to the World: A Review Article Catechesis in Contemporary Culture: Unbelief and Religious Indifference Catechetical Methodology: Liturgical Catechesis Metodología catequética: Catequesis litúrgica RICA: Preguntas, respuestas, temas y consejos La catequesis en la cultura contemporánea: La increencia y la indiferencia religiosa La catequesis de jóvenes y jóvenes adultos: Partiendo desde la educación hacia la transformación La Parábola de los obreros de la última hora en la viña Catechetical Saints: Saintly Priests Youth & Young Adult Catechesis: From Education to Transformation