Articles in This Issue: On the Spot: Catechesis on the Priesthood Editor’s Notes: The Heart of a Catechetical Priest St. Jean Marie Vianney: The Model of Priesthood Today Entering the City: The Twelve Gates of the Apostles’ Creed Free The Bishop’s Page: The Lord Will Give Us Priests Catechetical Methodology: Scriptural Catechesis Free Catechesis on Religious Life Teaching the Way of God in Truth Free Letter to a Priest Art Notes: The Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Priesthood Learning through Art: The Sacred Heart of Jesus RCIA: Questions, Answers, Issues and Advice New Series: Catechesis on the Miracles of Jesus The Eucharistic Church Catechetical Saints: The Venerable Father Michael McGivney Catechesis and Contemporary Culture: Emotive Religiosity and the New Age Sacred Signs: The Door Technology and Catechesis: The Pope’s Call to Embrace the New Media Youth & Young Adult Catechesis: Ministering to Youth in a Media-Saturated Culture RICA: Preguntas, respuestas, temas y consejos Nueva serie: Catequesis sobre los milagros de Jesús La catequesis en la cultura contemporánea: La religiosidad emotiva y la Nueva Era Ministrando a los jóvenes en una cultura saturada por los medios masivos de comunicación Catechesis and Vocations: Two Threads for Worthy Living