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The Catechetical Review - Communicating Christ for a New Evangelization


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Articles from the Most Recent Issue

Teaching the Truth of the Body in a Pastorally Loving Way
By Monica Ashour
Last week, I changed the lives of 36 engaged couples (most of whom are already sexually active) in seven hours. More accurately, God and I changed their lives through Pope St. John Paul II’s theology of the body (TOB). [1] What is it about TOB that reaches others, whether young or old, parent or student, married or single? I’d like to unpack that... Read more
Teaching Variations: How Catechesis Changes in Each of the Four Periods
By William Keimig
The catechetical aspect of the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) is inseparable from the practical reality it seeks to inform. It is the work of teaching the faith so as to empower people to truly live it in their daily experience. Catechetical sessions cannot be nebulous or theoretical; they must be real and applicable to... Read more
Encountering God in Catechesis— “Bring a Non-Catholic to Mass”
By Catechists' Personal Testimonies
It was a Sunday just like any other. At the end of Mass, the priest said, “Next week, bring a non-Catholic to Mass.” I turned to my wife and whispered, “I have someone in mind.” I had a Chinese coworker whom I will call “John.” He and I often talked about philosophical topics such as the meaning of life. At first, John was an atheist, but through... Read more
