The Catechetical Review - Communicating Christ for a New Evangelization

Articles Under: RCIA

Desde que me hice católico en el 2004, me he encontrado con muchos, muchos católicos que no comprenden a la gracia, la salvación, o cómo se les concede el acceso al cielo. Muchos han revelado que viven con el miedo de ir al infierno debido a algún pecado desconocido no confesado o que su comprensión de cómo son salvados se basa exclusivamente en sus obras. Estos católicos no comprenden como la fe y las obras se relacionan con la salvación. En breve, no comprenden la fuente de su salvación. El Dr. Peter Kreeft explica el problema en su libro, Catholics... Read more
Since becoming Catholic in 2004, I have encountered many, many Catholics who do not understand grace, salvation, or how they are granted access to heaven. Many have revealed they live in fear of going to hell because of some unknown, unconfessed sin or that their understanding of how they are saved is solely based on their works. These Catholics do not understand how faith and works relate to salvation. In short, they do not understand the source of their salvation. Dr. Peter Kreeft explains the problem in his book, Catholics and Protestants: What Can We Learn from Each Other? [1]... Read more
In the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults there are several aspects of formation and many moving parts that all contribute to the overall formation of the catechumens and the candidates. The pastoral aspect of formation concerns itself with the overall discipleship development of the catechumens, while the catechetical aspect helps them come to know the Word of God and brings them into intimacy with Jesus Christ. However, it is sometimes easy to forget that the RCIA is a liturgical rite and that the liturgical rites provide the grace and supernatural power that transforms the catechumens to become more like... Read more
To find out more about the Discipleship Quads or to download your FREE Starter Kit click here . Or c all (740) 283-6315 or email [email protected] with any inquiries. Find out more about all the Steubenville Conferences here. Próximamente en españolRead more
This is a paid advertisement in the October-December 2019 issue. Advertisements should not be viewed as endorsements from the publisher. To order the book or for more information from Ave Maria Press click here or call (800) 282-1865, ext. 1.Read more
La necesidad en la Iglesia El discipulado es una palabra que muchos comprenden solo parcialmente. Si la gente está familiarizada con la palabra, generalmente la definen como ser seguidor de Jesús. El problema es que muy poca percibirá que el discipulado también abarca el ser formador de discípulos. Al responder a la Gran Comisión en Mateo 28, 19-20 , somos llamados no solamente a seguir a Jesús y todo lo que Él enseña, sino también a ir y hacer discípulos. Comprendido de esta forma, el discipulado resuelve muchos de los retos que tenemos en la Iglesia hoy en día. La... Read more
Con demasiada frecuencia, los responsables de la formación de la fe para adultos en sus parroquias dejan a un lado al Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica por ser demasiado difícil y, por lo tanto, demasiado abrumador para su auditorio. Quizás también lo consideren irrelevante para la experiencia de la gente, poco práctico o personal, o poco inspirador. Sin embargo, hacer caso omiso al Catecismo como recurso fundamental en la formación de la fe de los adultos sería perjudicar al Pueblo de Dios. El Catecismo es un don de la Iglesia – o más propiamente, del Espíritu Santo, obrando por medio... Read more
Too often, those responsible for adult faith formation in their parishes set aside the Catechism of the Catholic Church as too difficult and thus too daunting for their audience. Or they might consider it not relevant to people’s experience, not practical or personal enough, or uninspiring. To overlook the Catechism as a foundational resource in adult faith formation would be to do the People of God a great disservice. The Catechism is a gift from the Church—or more properly, from the Holy Spirit, working through the successors of the apostles, to all the members of Christ’s Body. In his apostolic... Read more
Many people wanting to becoming Catholic are often surprised that it can take a year or more. In my former denomination, it was very different. The way one became a Christian was, at the end of any given Church service, the pastor would ask people to bow their heads and close their eyes. He would then ask whoever wanted to receive Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior to raise their hand and then repeat a prayer after him. That was it. Those leaders can be lauded for their desire for evangelism, but the lack of personal engagement with the... Read more
Annual St. John Bosco Conference for Evangelization & Catechesis , July 15-18, 2019, to include 3 newer tracks: Hispanic Faith and Family track, Diocesan Officials track, and Retreat track. Register here. Or call 740-283-6315.Read more