The Catechetical Review - Communicating Christ for a New Evangelization

Editor's Notes: A Mother's Virtue

Authored by Dr. Petroc Willey in Issue #30.4 of The Sower
Just when you think that you have climbed to the top of the pile of work, you find that you are sitting at the bottom again. You had been sitting back contentedly, appreciating the wonderful team of catechists in the parish - not only eager, but well-formed; not only dynamic, but working with you rather than independently of you; not only informed but orthodox… and the lead husband and wife in your RCIA team announce that they are moving, are leaving the parish. And your first Communion catechist has a heart attack. And the Confirmation resource you have used for years goes out of print. And the bishop announces that the really supportive pastor with whom you have worked for six years is being moved to a new parish. And you are sitting at the foot of the pile again, contemplating the steep sides of the climb, and wondering whether you have the energy to do it all over again. It is here that Mary, Help of Catechists, assists us. She helps because she is a mother, and mothers are always at the foot of the pile, contemplating the need to ‘do it again’. The clothes that were washed yesterday need cleaning again today. The children who were nourished this morning need to be fed again this evening. The rooms that were dusted last week need to be attended to this week. The relative who was visited will need a patient and listening ear tomorrow. Things wear out, relationships need renewing, and people need the constant attention of love.

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