The Catechetical Review - Communicating Christ for a New Evangelization

RCIA: Letters to Julie

Authored by Teresa Kehoe in Issue #34.2 of The Sower
Dear Teresa, Thank you for your letter. I can see now why RCIA is called a process and what you say about its aspects – catechetical, pastoral and liturgical make sense. I hadn’t thought about it that way before. I’ve looked at the Rites and really see that they do have all these three aspects! I can’t believe I missed this before. I’m not sure what to do at which point though. I have asked the people coming what they want to know about, but I am finding it hard to explain things as they don’t often have the basics. Help!! Julie Dear Julie, How good to hear from you again. It’s an interesting point isn’t it – what to do at which point. I have heard other people having the same problem as you, so you’re not alone, don’t worry! I find always looking to the Church herself is a good starting point. Last time I mentioned that there are three aspects to the RCIA process; now it is prudent to mention what the Church calls the periods of RCIA.

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