The Catechetical Review - Communicating Christ for a New Evangelization

RCIA: A New Faith to Live —Conversion in Mystagogy, the Neophyte Year, and Beyond

Authored by William Keimig in Issue #28.3 of The Sower
The previous article to this series (Conversion in Purification and Enlightenment: A New Cross Embraced, April-June 2007 issue), included the following comment: ‘The sacraments of initiation are the climax, but not the end, of the process of conversion….The grandeur and exhilaration of the Easter Vigil…should be the beginning of a Catholic life of growing intimacy with God and self-gift to others that becomes ever more complete — a life, in short, of greater and greater holiness.’ Mr. Keimig explains this in more depth here.

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