Dr Linnig explores both common pitfalls in using the Scriptures in catechesis and how we can foster an authentically Catholic use.
‘[T]he ministry of the word… (should be) healthily nourished and (should) thrive in holiness through the word of Sacred Scripture’ [Catechesi Tradendae 27, citing Dei Verbum 10 and 24.]
Pope John Paul II asserts in Catechesi Tradendae (CT) 27 that the Word of God is the living source for catechesis. How, then, can we use the Bible and transmit this ‘Word of Scripture’ so that it may be a life-long source of strength and nourishment for those we catechize?
Before embarking upon a discussion of this question, it may be useful to consider a few preliminary difficulties that many catechists confront as they use Sacred Scripture in their catechesis.
This article is from The Sower and may be copied for catechetical purposes only. It may not be reprinted in another published work without the permission of Maryvale Institute. Contact [email protected]