Articles in This Issue: Free Communicating Christ for a New Evangelization What is the New Evangelization? Free Moving Toward a Catechesis of Encounter Free The Vision of Pope Francis for Catechesis Creating Conditions that Favor the Conversion of the Baptized The Catechism & the New Evangelization: Gathering the Fragments Inspired through Art: The Baptism of Christ by Pietro Perugino, c. 1497 Free From the Shepherds: Pope Francis Speaks to Catechists The Spiritual Life: St. Teresa of Avila and Pope Francis, Pt. 1 Children's Catechesis: The Divine Pedagogy Empowering Parents to Disciple Their Own Children RCIA & Adult Faith Formation: Permanent Mystagogy Theology of the Body for the New Evangelization, Part 1 Encountering God in Catechesis A New Approach to Children’s Catechesis: Come, follow me Restored Order Confirmation: Implementation in the Archdiocese of Denver