Articles in This Issue: Editor's Notes: Inclusive Love of the Trinity Sacred Scripture and the Theology of Grace The Sodality: At the Heart of the Catholic School Free The Bishop's Page: The Life of Grace is a Mystery of Love St. Paul and the Grace of Suffering Transforming Grace in the Heart of the Catechist Catechetical Methodology: Teaching Gracefully The Grace of Forgiveness Catechesis on the Parables of Jesus: The Wise and Foolish Virgins Art Notes: The Last Supper by Jacob Copista Learning through Art: The Last Supper by Jacob Copista The Gospel of Life, Part 2 RICA: Preguntas, respuestas, temas y consejos Youth & Young Adult Catechesis: Communicating our Love for Adolescents Another Lent Passed: A Satire Catechetical Saints: St. Paul, Part 4 On the Spot: The Catholic Understanding of the Life of Grace Catechesis in Contemporary Culture: Pragmatism San Pablo y la gracia de sufrimiento Catequesis sobre las parábolas de Jesús: Las vírgenes prudentes y necias Catequesis de jóvenes y jóvenes adultos: Comunicando nuestro amor por los adolescentes La catequesis y la cultura contemporánea: El pragmatismo Metodología catequética: Una enseñanza llena de gracia La gracia transformante en el corazón del catequista, 1ª Parte