The Catechetical Review - Communicating Christ for a New Evangelization

Catholic School Administrators: Knowing the Way through Prayer

Authored by Tom Reichenbacher in Issue #9.4 of Catechetical Review

My daughters’ high school religion teacher was known to ask his students, “Do you know da Way?” Although this often led to fun banter between the students and their teacher, it also helped the students focus on their relationship with Jesus. Wise Catholic school administrators will ask themselves this question but move one step forward. To “know the Way,” to have a relationship with Jesus, good administrators understand they must communicate with the Son of God—and communicating with Jesus means they are investing in their prayer life.

Catholic school administrators are busy people. They are required to attend meetings, answer their pastors’ questions, be visible throughout the school, substitute teach, supervise hallways, be available to parents, respond to inquiries from their superintendent . . . truthfully, they are lucky if they are given a moment to breathe. But it is within this incredibly hectic environment that good Catholic school administrators prioritize time to pray. They understand St. Francis de Sales’ maxim, “Every one of us needs half an hour of prayer a day, except when we are busy—then we need an hour.”

Community prayer is naturally a part of a Catholic school administrator’s life. The position demands that one is a visible leader; thus, the position demands prayer in community. It is important, however, for administrators to remember to invest into their personal prayer life, as well. Spending time alone talking with Our Lord allows them to strengthen their personal relationship with Jesus, making them stronger for those they lead.

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This article is from The Catechetical Review (Online Edition ISSN 2379-6324) and may be copied for catechetical purposes only. It may not be reprinted in another published work without the permission of The Catechetical Review by contacting [email protected]

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