Articles in This Issue: Free Editor's Notes: On the Letter to Catechists Free Letter to Catechists Liturgy and Catechesis: Nourishment for Mission Free The Bishop's Page: Parents Form the Hearts and Minds of Their Children Catechesis on the Parables of Jesus: The Publican and the Pharisee Deus Caritas Est: A Model Catechesis Catechetical Methodology: Pope Benedict XVI on ‘Mystagogical Catechesis’ The Way of Bethlehem: A Spirituality for Catechists Pt II The Father of Mercies Art Notes: The Communion of the Apostles Catechumenal Initiation of Children of Catechetical Age Veritatis Splendor: The Splendor of Truth Part II Catechesis in Contemporary Culture: Relativism Catechetical Saints: Blessed Miguel Pro, SJ On the Spot: The Bible Tells Me So RCIA: Questions, Answers, and Advice Can Fathers Be Catechists? Youth & Young Adult Catechesis: The Missionary Nature of Youth Catechesis Santos de la catequesis: Beato Miguel Agustín Pro, SJ La catequesis de jóvenes y de jóvenes adultos: La naturaleza misionera de la catequesis de jóvenes Free La Página del Obispo: Son los papás que forman el corazón y la mente de sus hijos Catequesis sobre las parábolas de Jesús: La parábola del publicano y el fariseo Bajo fuego: Así me lo dice la Biblia La catequesis y la cultura contemporánea: El relativismo RCIA: Preguntas, respuestas y consejos Learning through Art: Jesus Gives Communion to the Apostles