Articles in This Issue: Liturgy and Catechesis in the Catechism of the Catholic Church Editor's Notes: Liturgical Catechesis Practically Speaking: Notes from the Parish The Revised Roman Missal and the Deficiencies in Catechesis Saints and Super Heroes RCIA: Questions, Answers, Issues and Advice Blessed John Henry Newman and the Formation of the Laity Domus Eucharistica Free The Bishop's Page: On Sacred Architecture Priestesses? Why Not? — A Guide for Catechists Catechetical Saints: Blessed John Paul II, Pt. 2 Learning through Art: Teaching with Art of the Annunciation Miracles of Jesus: The Healing of the Man Born Blind On the Spot: Catechesis and the Church Building Sacred Art and Architecture in the Teaching of the Church 'Something Beautiful for God'—Blessed Mother Teresa and YOUCAT Ut Unum Sint: Pope John Paul II's Encyclical Letter on Christian Unity ‘Algo hermoso para Dios’: La beata Madre Teresa y el YOUCAT Hablemos de cosas prácticas: Notas desde la parroquia RICA: Preguntas, respuestas, temas y consejos Sacerdotisas, ¿por qué no?: Una guía para los catequistas Catequesis para Jóvenes y Adultos Jóvenes: Santos y Superhéroes