The Catechetical Review - Communicating Christ for a New Evangelization

Articles Under: Sacramental Preparation

Continuing our series on the Code of Canon Law, in this issue Fr Rosney explains the rites used for the baptism of infants and of adults, helping catechists to be able to appreciate in a straightforward way the various points in the Code. The celebration of baptism in the Code of Canon Law highlights particular and diverse aspects of their celebration, and in accordance with Canon 2, leaves a much fuller presentation governing the celebration to the various ritual books. Chapter One (cc. 850-860) treats the celebration in baptism in the following ways: The proper rite for the celebration (c... Read more
In treating baptism before all the other seven sacraments in Book IV of the Code of Canon Law (1983), the code affirms the sacrament of baptism as the precondition for a valid reception of all the others, and as the first of the three sacraments necessary for full Christian initiation. Here Fr Rosney explains the key canonical elements of which catechists need to be aware. Primacy of the Sacrament of Baptism The canons on the sacrament of baptism outline the distinction between adult and infant baptism. Canon 849 summarizes the Church’s faith in the sacrament and the fundamental canonical requirements... Read more
A Theological Case for Restored Order Confirmation How important is the order of the Sacraments of Initiation? What are the implications for catechesis in restoring the traditional order, placing Confirmation before the Eucharist? Jared Staudt explores the key issues. The Second Vatican Council called for a “ressourcement” (a return to the sources) for the sacraments of initiation, particularly in its call for the restoration of the baptismal catechumenate, carried out in the RCIA process. [i] Part of this renewal includes the return to the traditional order for the conferring of the sacraments of initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and then the Eucharist... Read more
And Preparing for the Baptism of the Child Archbishop Kurtz explains how "The Blessing of the Child in the Womb,” approved on 8 December 2011 by the Congregation for Divine Worship for use in the United States of America, can be a pastoral moment of first evangelization of the child and of new evangelization of the family. "The Blessing of the Child in the Womb” was approved on 8 December 2011 by the Congregation for Divine Worship for use in the United States of America. This blessing is a pastoral moment of first evangelization of the child and new evangelization... Read more
‘Adult’ and ‘Infant’ and the Sacrament of Baptism In the previous article Fr Rosney briefly explored the issue of formation for baptism, and in particular for adult and infant baptism. In this article he clarifies the terms ‘adult’ and ‘infant’ for the purposes of determining those subject to the prescriptions of the canons on adult baptism. Who is an adult? Canon 852 clearly states the terms of ‘adult’ and ‘infant’ for baptism when it says; ‘The prescripts of the canons on adult baptism are to be applied to all those who, no longer infants, have attained the use of reason.’... Read more
Todos los santos y santas oran por nosotros La oración de intercesión es importante en la catequesis porque es una oración de caridad en comunión con Cristo. Los israelitas hacían oración de petición para experimentar la presencia de Dios. “Mi alma tiene sed de Dios, del Dios viviente: ¿Cuándo iré a contemplar el rostro de Dios?” i Esta oración de los israelitas se cumple en Jesucristo, “único intercesor ante el Padre en favor de todos los hombres” ii . La comunidad cristiana primitiva vivía esta unión en la caridad “al participar en la vida común, en la fracción del pan... Read more
La columna ‘Bajo fuego’ tiene como objetivo resaltar algunas de las posturas, preguntas y comentarios complejos que experimentan los catequistas, maestros y padres de familia. Intenta bosquejar la información necesaria para ser fieles a la enseñanza de la Iglesia y que mejor ayudará a aquellos a quienes enseñamos y quienes nos piden dar la razón de la esperanza que hay en nosotros. En esta ocasión, veremos cómo transmitimos un sentido de la Presencia Real de Cristo en la Eucaristía. ‘El modo de presencia de Cristo bajo las especies eucarísticas es singular… «Esta presencia se denomina "real", no a título exclusivo,... Read more
Vemos las maneras en las que tanto los documentos del magisterio universal como los documentos de enseñanza de los obispos locales pueden sustentan nuestra catequesis. Durante su largo pontificado, el Papa Juan Pablo II reafirmaba consistentemente la perenne enseñanza cristiana sobre la vocación al matrimonio. En Familiaris consorcio , proclamó que la ‘familia es la célula primera y vital de la sociedad’ i y el Catecismo , que él promulgó, declara que ‘[l]a vocación al matrimonio se inscribe en la naturaleza misma del hombre y de la mujer’ (CIC 1603). Mientras que la vocación al matrimonio es claramente definida dentro... Read more
One of the most difficult things about being a DRE is how to handle cases that involve divorced and remarried people who want to become Catholic. They have a strong attraction to the Church and a fervent desire to become Catholic, but because of previous marital situations they’re hindered from entering fully into communion with the Church. Bringing up the subject of annulments is always delicate, and it’s especially awkward when you hardly know the individuals you’re dealing with. Raising the issue of previous marital situations can be painful as old wounds are reopened. It can be painful for the... Read more
Foundations of Catechesis The First Communion parents were gathered to listen to a talk on the Sacrament of Penance. It became apparent that some were uncomfortable with the idea that their children – or indeed they themselves – might be in need of God’s mercy and love in this sacrament. ‘Children don’t really sin , do they – they’re too young to understand.’ ‘I don’t want my children frightened by telling them about hell and damnation at their age.’ ‘We don’t really need to confess to a priest, do we? It’s okay` just to say sorry to God on our... Read more