The Catechetical Review - Communicating Christ for a New Evangelization

Articles Under: Saints and Holy Men & Women

‘With his pedagogical genius, St John Baptist de La Salle was a distinguished pioneer in the popular education of children and youth. A true apostle, he knew how to serve the children who came to his schools, striving first of all to form their teachers. This insight remains fundamental today, for it underscores how education presupposes, on the one hand, the transmission of human and Christian values and, on the other, the witness of adults who show young people what a happy and balanced life is. ‘Teaching is thus more than a profession; it is a mission that consists in... Read more
Thomas Aquinas is not generally thought of in relation to catechesis. In fact, he is not referred to in the General Directory for Catechesis . However, Aquinas can render a valuable service to catechesis today as a model of pedagogy and a doctrinal resource for catechists. Bringing back Aquinas In his essay entitled “Thomistic Theology and Religious Education,” Fr. Mark Heath provides a great service in bringing Aquinas into modern catechetical discourse. He lays out three main points, which he claims define Thomas’ contribution to catechesis: synthesis (systematic), theocentricity, and doctrine. Thomistic theology integrates all true insights (as seen especially... Read more
John Paul II wrote that the Second Vatican Council helped prepare for the Jubilee in 2000 “by presenting in its teaching the Mother of God in the mystery of Christ and of the Church. If it is true, as the Council itself proclaims that ‘only in the mystery of the Incarnate Word does the mystery of man take on light,’ then this principle must be applied in a very particular way to that exceptional ‘daughter of the human race,’ that extraordinary ‘woman’ who became the Mother of Christ. Only in the mystery of Christ is her mystery fully made clear... Read more
The Year of Faith One of the most astonishing realities that parish catechists will discover throughout this Year of Faith is that the faith, articulated in the Church’s magisterial documents, is not only heartbreakingly beautiful –it is also true ! Once catechists are clear about this point they can resolve to speak the more boldly, empowered by grace. And then a New Evangelization can truly take place. Testing points I would like to look at this question of the truth of the faith through the lens of the “first echo” of some of our early Church Fathers. These early Christians... Read more
With great trust in Divine Providence, Mother Théodore overcame many challenges and persevered in the work that the Lord had called her to do. By the time of her death in 1856, the Sisters were running schools and orphanages throughout the State of Indiana. In her own words, “How much good has been accomplished by the Sisters of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods! How much more good they will be able to do if they remain faithful to their holy vocation!” Mother Théodore Guérin is a beautiful spiritual figure and a model of the Christian life. She was always open for the missions... Read more
De repente me transporté unos 40 años atrás al área de juego de mi escuela primaria y mi primera introducción a una “libreta animada” al echarle una ojeada a las páginas del nuevo YOUCAT [ Catecismo Joven de la Iglesia Católica ]. Un solitario muñeco de palitos al calce de cada una de las hojas, al darles la vuelta rápidamente como conjunto desde delante hasta atrás, cobra vida como un converso entusiasta que ha encontrado al Señor. Este atributo, junto con acertadas caricaturas e imágenes, ha sido diseñado con las aportaciones de jóvenes para animar a los lectores a que... Read more
Decimos al final del Credo, ‘Creo en el Espíritu Santo, la santa Iglesia Católica, la comunión de los santos…’ Esta ‘comunión de los santos’ es un misterio de mucha importancia en nuestra fe. Y, sin embargo, nuestra fe en ese misterio puede pasar desapercibida ‘así nomás’. Decimos, ‘…el Espíritu Santo, la santa Iglesia Católica, la comunión de los santos, el perdón de los pecados…’ ¿Permitimos que aquellas frases del Credo se deslicen inadvertidas porque nos acostumbramos a ellas? Elevados hacia el cielo durante la Misa Debemos de tener en mente el misterio de la comunión de los santos y recordar... Read more
As you have read in the last issue of The Sower , because this is the Year of the Priest, the articles this year will be devoted to priests. In all the years that we have studied the lives of catechetical saints, we have seen many, many priests who devoted their lives to handing on the faith. The General Directory for Catechesis notes that, ‘The function proper to the presbyterate in the catechetical task arises from the sacrament of Holy Orders which they have received. “Through that sacrament priests, by the anointing of the Holy Spirit, are signed with a... Read more
‘Here the teaching and example of Saint John Mary Vianney can serve as a significant point of reference for us all. The Curé of Ars was very humble, yet as a priest he was conscious of being an immense gift to his people: “A good shepherd, a pastor after God’s heart, is the greatest treasure which the good Lord can grant to a parish, and one of the most precious gifts of divine mercy”. He spoke of the priesthood as if incapable of fathoming the grandeur of the gift and task entrusted to a human creature: “O, how great is... Read more
Juan cuenta la historia de esta forma: Hubo una boda en Canaán. María asistió como invitada. También estuvo presente Jesús, su Hijo. También estaban sus primeros discípulos. María se dio cuenta que se estaba acabando el vino, lo cual era una vergüenza tremenda para los anfitriones de la boda. Al ir con su Hijo, María le dijo con sencillez: ‘No tienen vino’. Imagina a Jesús que la queda mirando profundamente, diciéndole con un pequeño suspiro: ‘¿Qué tengo yo contigo, mujer? Todavía no ha llegado mi hora.’ Lo mejor estaba por suceder. La respuesta de María. No dijo nada. Ella encontró... Read more