The Catechetical Review - Communicating Christ for a New Evangelization

Articles Under: Personal Witness Stories

Patiently Waiting Upon the Lord I do not like patience. I don't enjoy exercising it and I particularly dislike knowing that it is something good that I should like. Patience, though, is key to seeing the incredible work of God in the human heart. My high school religion classes are forty minutes a day, five days a week, for half a year. In addition to the intention of catechesis, they are also intended to be academically rigorous. We have tests; there are papers to be written; mastery of the material is desired and sometimes achieved. Amidst the intensity and the... Read more
There was a time when I thought conversion only meant changing from one faith to another. It was much later that I discovered it is an ongoing process. Conversion can be gradual, or it can take place as an epiphany: a sudden awakening, or illumination. This is where my testimony begins. I was asked to teach RCIA class on prayer. This was God’s first step in answering my own prayer at the time, which was for a better prayer life. Mine felt dry and empty, a letdown from my expectations. Something was missing. In preparing for the class, I came... Read more
Este artículo es el primero de una serie de artículos sobre la catequesis para y con las personas con discapacidades. Surgen sin cesar tecnologías y medios de comunicación nuevos y se ponen al servicio de este noble objetivo. Desafortunadamente, nuestro tiempo es también uno que es testigo del aborto, de la eutanasia, y del racionamiento médico de la vida de los que la sociedad pueda juzgar como "no necesarios", apropiándose el derecho de cometer estas atrocidades en el nombre de la misericordia". En la Grecia y la Roma antiguas, mataban abiertamente a las personas consideradas "defectuosas" o se les abandonaba... Read more
It was a warm, sunny day at the end of spring. Instead of spending the beautiful Saturday according to their own wishes, our students were reluctantly settling into their seats in a classroom. I saw looks of boredom on the faces of the youth and noted the variety of ages among those present. I glanced over at the two other members of our team: a young, enthusiastic priest and a very energetic woman who taught children much younger than those gathered before us. We had been recruited to deliver a day-long Confirmation retreat for a Native American community. On our... Read more
Good Advice from a Mentor Priest In the fall, the 8 th grade religious education classes were meeting for the first time in formal preparation for their Confirmation at my parish. I had the privilege of being one of the catechists responsible for catechizing these young teens. There were a total of 17 students for whom I was responsible and the task before me seemed daunting, especially going into to this experience as a new college graduate, but I wanted to be a part of my parish’s religious education program. I had many questions, so I decided to speak with... Read more
Waiting on God We had just begun our new catechetical year at the parish. Following an opening session that was offered in large group, I made my way around to the various confirmation classes to sit in and see how things were going and how I might better support the catechists and candidates that year. In one of the classes there was a young man (it seems like there’s one every year!) who clearly had little desire to be there. Despite his distant demeanor he was generally respectful of the class in terms of behavior. He chose instead to be... Read more
Those involved in youth and young adult ministry accompany and mentor young people as they center their lives on Christ. We hope you enjoy this testimony written by a young adult woman, who describes a significant instance of this conversion from her own life. Recently, I spoke to 100 young adults on a retreat in the mountains of Prescott, Arizona. The majority of attendees were single and feeling uncertain about their lives and the direction the Lord was taking them. In addition, many spoke of the ache they have in their hearts—the longing they have to find someone to love... Read more
“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them” (Mt 18:20). Christ’s promise may be counted on by any catechist in any catechetical situation. In this department, we wish to include testimonies from catechists who speak of how God’s unique presence in the catechetical setting may be discovered. We hope you enjoy and are encouraged by these testimonies as we all attune ourselves to his presence in the catechetical mission. Speaking His Language I’ve always loved the fire and zeal of St. Francis Xavier and found inspiration in his inculturation... Read more
The Spirituality of the Catechist What is the most important element in the catechetical process? Is it the doctrine to be passed on? Is it the method one employs? Is it the catechist’s preparation or the ability to adapt to the age and culture of the students? These are all essential, as the General Directory for Catechesis reminds us. These elements, however, depend on one indispensable and often overlooked factor: the spirituality of the catechist. Why is this so? Unlike subjects in the arts and sciences, the Christian faith cannot be adequately passed on unless the catechist lives that faith—unless... Read more
“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them” [Mt 18:20]. These familiar words of Jesus teach us as catechists that we have multiple opportunities to encounter him, not just in communal prayer but also in missionary outreach and every time we step into our catechetical sessions. Yes, even the mundane and hectic are sanctified by God’s presence. Since he called us, he won’t abandon us. The question is: are we watching and waiting for him? And, are we attuned to him and how he wishes to move us and... Read more